The licensing of caravan sites can often be an area where some assistance can be required from time to time, especially if there are few sites within your area or there is a complex issue, such as taking enforcement action or creating fee policies.

We have dealt with the formulation of licensing policies, Compliance Notices, prosecutions and other enforcement activities, the drafting of licence conditions and dealing with Town and Country Planning issues that affect sites. One of our lawyers was formerly responsible within a local authority for site licensing and was involved in advising the government in relation to the Model Standards.
We have significant experience of the First Tier Tribunal, the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber), the magistrates and Crown courts and are pleased to work with the Institute of Licensing to provide training to officers.
We are probably the leading training organisation in this niche area of law and as part of our service, we can also provide bespoke training to councillors.
If you have a particular need, please contact us on 01491 729 454 or email to speak directly to one of our lawyers.